Hear Me Roar!

My roommate Becca is flapping her blanket because she claims it looks like lettuce.  I participated in the Woman's March in Denver.  Went on an adventure to Walmart late last night.  Almost died riding back in an Uber on the way back from Walmart.  It's been a good weekend.

But really.

Yesterday was an experience of a lifetime- I can proudly say I was one of millions of people around the world who marched in response to the recent events for what I believe is right.  I marched because I love my neighbor, because I am a person, because I and others matter, for all those who are oppressed or who are marginalized, and for love.  It was truly an awe-inspiring sight yesterday to witness so many (around 200,000!) people participate in this march to make their voice heard.  The millions made their voices heard peacefully- no riots in any part of the world.  I felt honored to be part of such a historic event.  This is how we make a difference.  I am woman- hear me roar!

This last week I've been reading an intriguing book called The Gift of Being Yourself.  It has six chapters that make one think more deeply about themselves and about your self.  Each chapter has something different to say but still on the same theme of the self.  I found myself taking a closer look at some parts of my self and some past experiences involving my self.  It led to some "oh" moments while reading.  In a way through the process of reading it I came to know more about and a deeper understanding of my self.  It's certainly been a journey so far in learning more about me.  If you're looking for a book I recommend checking it out!

I think I'm getting closer to a point where I can let myself feel whatever it is I feel emotion-wise in any given situation.  It's not yet where I'd like it to be-  I still become rather defensive with myself and have a hard time letting myself have emotions because it still feels like it's weak or frowned upon or not socially acceptable- by either my "invisible" standards or others- such as people in my family.  I have a hard time with feeling judged even if I'm not.  It's something to do with how I was raised, I think.  If this makes any sort of sense.  I still feel confused at times.  I just have to learn that it's okay to be human.

When I was home two weeks ago I learned some new information about my family that I found very interesting and intriguing- not all good but not all bad.  Some of it came as a shock to me.  One thing I learned had to do with the day my dad died- he was told, while he was still struggling to breathe and in a sort of coma, that he could go, if he wanted.  That he didn't need to stay and suffer any longer.  That my brother, mom and I would be well looked after.  And I guess that was the point when my dad let go of this life and we all came back into the room right after that.  Plus some other stuff.

It's been fun to learn and discover more about myself, those I'm around, and the world.  I think God's only getting started with me.  And I'm excited, despite doubts that I have.  Because doubt is okay and necessary.  I know I keep saying that each week but it's true!  For me, anyway.

I am Caitlin- hear me roar!

#theresistance  #starwars  #harrypotter


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