What Does Hospitality Look Like?

I don't think I'm alone when I say it's been one heck of a week.  There have been so many emotions flying around, I haven't known what to do with all of them.  It leads to a crammed head full of thoughts and feelings all jostling and vying for attention.  However, this post won't be political because I feel we've all had enough to last us a lifetime just in this past week alone.  Perhaps a different time when things have cooled down a bit.

Instead I want to bring up the topic of hospitality, for one.  This morning the sermon was done by the author of the book "Unclobber" (check it out!) and it was on the story of Sodom and Gomorrah.  No, it wasn't about what you think- I gave a clue in the first sentence of this paragraph what it was actually about.  The story goes that two men came to Sodom and Gomorrah seeking a place to stay for the night.  Each house they came to turned them away until a man named Lot found them wandering around in the town square (so to speak) and invited them to come stay with him at his house.  At first they refused and said they'd just stay in the town square instead but Lot was insistent and persistent and eventually took him up on his invitation.  Soon a group of guys came up to the door asking Lot to give them his two guests to "do with them what they will" but he refuses and instead offers them his two daughters. (Yeah, I don't really agree with that either, but that's just how much Lot valued hospitality.) After the group of men leave the two guests reveal themselves to be angels and admit that they came to destroy Sodom and Gomorrah but will now spare Lot and his family because of the hospitality he has shown them.

Did you get that?  Because of the lack of hospitality that was shown to them, not because of the actions of the group of men that came knocking.  The speaker went on to to give us a nugget of wisdom.
        How to Embody Hospitality:
        1. Honor (your guests)
        2. Welcome (your guests)
        3. Provide (for your guests)
        4. Empower (your guests)
We won't always be able to put into practice all four of these each time because it depends on the place we are at as to how we are able to best serve our guests, and that is okay.  He left us with this, "Hospitality is when people leave your home feeling better about themselves than when they came."  This is how we can show God's love to our neighbors which I feel is so so so important, especially now with everything going on.  Let's not forget our jobs as ambassadors for Christ!

I still have about a bajillion other thoughts running through my head at this moment besides desiring reconciliation and healing during the coming months.  My hope is that we can come together rather than be divided.  Feel free to message me if you would like to talk and we can set something up if you are curious about my thoughts or want to express yours.

Today I also had the opportunity to go to a class on baptism.  This is something I've been wanting to know more about and have had questions about for the last three years, ever since I first saw a full immersion baptism.  It piqued my curiosity and put a desire in me to learn more about it.  Now that I have learned more, I'm choosing to go ahead with it.  However, I'm going to wait to write out my thoughts here on that until next week.

As it's the month of Thanksgiving I want to make a list of 11 things I'm thankful for:
        1. My mom and my family
        2. A healthy body
        3. Friends
        4. Access to the basic amenities (plus internet)
        5. My job
        6. My energy (self-proclaimed "energizer bunny")
        7. Those here in Denver who have taken me under their "wing"
        8. The Deepen Groups I'm a part of (plus improv)
        9. Having a positive and optimistic spirit
      10. Being able to see mountains every time I look West (especially as a Midwestern girl)
      11. Not having to travel too far for what I need

And, as always:  To the King!


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