Puzzling Or Not So Puzzling Thoughts

This last week I found myself remembering and reflecting on the past few months.  It's almost mind-blowing how much can happen in such a short amount of time.  Hard to put into words too, for some of it.

I don't quite remember how I thought to look again but this evening I again found/rediscovered a work book of sorts called "7 Stories". (Stories about one's life orientation(s).) Looking through it I found myself reminiscing a bit about a retreat I had the opportunity to go on this summer.  It was interesting to look through that book again through a slightly different but similar lens as when I first had the opportunity to go through it with my fellow DUS (Denver Urban Semester) people.  Mostly it was just intriguing to revisit, though I wish I remembered more what was said for my Illumination story.

That thought came about from this past Wednesday from a discussion group I'm part of, when the "shadow self" came up.  Which led me to a thought process of thinking about the puzzle lesson from this summer, and I found myself thinking perhaps too deeply about it.  I think I was on to something; to a new "piece" of my "puzzle" last week when I made a post on Facebook about the "what if's" of pursuing a career in storytelling.  It was perhaps both that and the 7 Stories that really got me thinking.  And connecting the dots a bit too.  The "puzzle piece" I discovered was that storytelling is one thing I feel passionate about; or rather a sort of "calling" I'm feeling at the moment.  If that makes any sense.

One other interesting observation I've noticed about myself in the last few months is that I actually don't make a half bad leader, especially once I gain confidence and courage.  I rediscovered that tonight when the leader of the writing group I'm in was unable to be there and so I sort of took the lead and pretty much led the group tonight.  What surprised me was how easily it came to do that and how willing everyone else there was to listen and follow my lead, even when I was basically improvising the whole thing and trying to remember what the person normally in charge would do.  Who'd have thought the shy kid would make a good leader?  Apparently God did/does.  He's constantly stretching us and leading us out of our comfort zones into the greater unknown where awesome things happen, like the one tonight.  Perhaps this is part of yet another "puzzle piece" of my story.  Perhaps both leading and storytelling are a part of my future.  Only God knows at the moment!

To the King!


  1. Intriguing and also confirms what many around you last summer experienced. Keep stretching, keep exploring! God has an amazing journey ahead!


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