"Letting Our Humanity Show"

I've been asking myself a certain question for a while now because I'm constantly bothered by it.

What is this mysterious question?  It is this:  Why do we constantly strive for perfection in how we present ourselves to the world?  Why do we wear a mask?

This is what has been marinating in my thoughts, especially in the last day or so.

Take Facebook for example.  It's essentially a highlight reel of our lives; the best of us that we want to present to the world.  This depiction  is only a small snapshot and an inaccurate one at that.  There are aspects of our lives we have omitted from the public view- why?  Is there something we have to hide from the rest of the world?

I wonder what would happen if we were all more open and honest about the things that go on behind the scenes.  I wonder if we would strive less for perfectionism and embrace our imperfections and the things that make us human.  I wonder if it would relieve the pressure to perform and lessen the fear of making mistakes.  I wonder if we would allow ourselves more grace.

Striving for perfection is exhausting.  You're constantly holding yourself to a high standard that is oftentimes too high to feasibly attain without burning out.  You can't maintain it.  Then, when you do crash and burn and make mistakes, it makes failure all the more painful and awful to bear, which leads to shame.  It's akin to playing a game of Jenga and you are the tower.  The higher the tower the more holes, and the more holes the less stable the tower until ultimately, it falls over and collapses.  Just like we do when we try to attain perfection and fail.

But what happens when we let our cracks show?  What happens when we let others know we too are struggling?

Something truly beautiful happens.

When we open ourselves up to letting our humanity show we receive grace, love, and the knowledge we are not alone in our struggles.  We receive the encouragement that is needed.

It's always good to know we are not alone.  Because we are never alone.  There are others who are likely struggling with many of the same things you are.  Misery loves company but brokenness loves grace.

You are good just the way you are- humanity and all!


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