I'm not crazy- I just love my community!

There are some who might wonder why I go to church so often.  Some might wonder why I still go while others might wonder why I go to the church I go to.  And still more may wonder how I can believe what I believe and go to church.  I can tell you it is NOT because I'm super religious.  Let me tell you why I go.

I love the church I go to.  I love the people who go there.  I feel loved and safe and accepted for all of me.  They are my people; my community; my adopted family.  Highlands church has become all of these things for me as well as Left Hand church.  I go because I feel alive every Sunday and I truly love the songs and the worship and the sermons they give.  It makes me think.  Every Sunday (and sometimes Saturdays) I make the journey there not out of a sense of duty or religiousness but purely because I want to and for the joy I feel surrounded by people I love.  No obligations felt here- just love and community- and I wouldn't miss going for the world.  These two places are so good for the soul and each time I go I feel a sense of fullness and wholeness that I don't get the rest of the week.  I love everything about these churches, especially the people.

There are people who might think me naive or a slave to religion because of how much I love it and love going.  I can't help it- it just fills me up and gives me so much joy!  So much so that I sometimes feel like I'm overflowing with joy and love, sometimes to the point of rubbing off on others.  You can be both spiritual and a person who highly values intellect/intelligence.  There is no need to choose.

This weekend when I visited Left Hand there was a woman who greeted me who told me I had such joy in my eyes.  That wasn't the first time someone has told me they see something akin to that when they look into my eyes.  Perhaps the eyes are truly the windows to our soul.

Sometimes I feel crazy for liking going to these churches so often, especially since I stopped going for a while to churches because I felt too disheartened by them or couldn't relate to or felt wounded by them.  The ones I used to go to and grew up in don't align with what I know and believe to be true.  Where I go now does.  Which makes it interesting that I'm feeling a call to pastor.  I suppose it's a bit like yesterday's hiking trip.  I was hiking a trail in the mountains with a friend and to me it felt like he was part goat while I was behind struggling a bit and a little scared I was going to fall.  It's kind of like sailors getting their sea legs, except in this scenario it's getting my mountain legs.  Which could be a metaphor for life.  That's what it feels like for me with this calling thing- me getting my mountain legs.  It will take time and it's a journey but in the end it will have been worth it!


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