
Showing posts from January, 2020

A Weekend of Being, AKA R&R for the Soul

"Worry not my daughters, Worry not my sons Child, when life don't seem worth livin' Come to Jesus and let Him hold you in His arms Oh, my baby, when you're cryin' Never hide your face from me I have conquered hell and driven out the demons I have come with a life to set you free" ~From "Come to Jesus" but Heatherlyn version~ This past weekend was the second annual Left Hand Church retreat in Estes Park.  For me, it was a much needed get-away from life for a few days, almost like hitting a reset button.  It was good to be with many of my people; people whom I love dearly.  Sometimes life just gets to be overwhelming, you know? It especially feels that way when I'm on the path of figuring myself out and what I want and am passionate about for now and the future.  Being in my 20's is quite a challenging time!  So much is happening and I'm growing so much all the time.  If I were to go back in time to three a