A Year of Thankfulness

Recently it was Thanksgiving and I had the idea of making a post where I write out everything I'm grateful for from this past year, especially with all the life I have experienced.  It's a shorter post and that's okay.  So here goes!

A short list of what I'm grateful for:

  • A bed to sleep in
  • A roof over my head
  • My most basic needs being met
  • New friends and old friends
  • Highlands Church North Denver
  • Left Hand Church
  • Those who have been there when I've needed them
  • Being able to have a car
  • All the adverse/different experiences I've had this year
  • Being seen and heard
  • My therapist
  • The time I will have with my family for Christmas
  • People who love on me and who love me
  • The ability to get around via my own two feet
  • Good conversations
  • Coffee/food with people I love and care about
  • For the opportunities that come my way to learn and discover more about myself
  • For all the things!

I'm grateful for all of my experiences this past year because it has all made an impact on me and if given the choice I would do it all again, even the not so fun or good parts.  Why?  Because the lessons I have learned and the wisdom I have gained and the people I have found because of it all are very valuable to me.  I wouldn't be in the place I am now without all of those experiences.  So yeah, there are some not very fun times that have happened in the past year and I am so grateful for the opportunity to experience it all.  I moved four times, gained and lost friends, made it through an extremely challenging year of work, had a significant period of time where my basic needs weren't met, struggled with an inner darkness and won, found a second job (twice!), gained confidence and more of a voice, got my first car, had an aunt die, was traumatized by a 50 car pileup, and learned a whole heck of a lot about myself and the world.  That's a lot for my 25th year of life!  I think I'm ready for 2020- it's going to be an amazing year.

The holidays are always a mixed bag for me because I struggle with my inner darkness the most during this time of year, besides the summer.  My thought is it's due to large amounts of time spent with just myself and so I get a lot of time to think and be in my own head.  Which can be good as well- copious amounts of time for introspection.  I also tend to miss my family during these times, even with all the differences of opinion and belief I have with them as the black and rainbow sheep of the family.

It was good to be with two of the people from Highlands for Thanksgiving- I'm truly grateful to them for inviting me over and for getting to huddle on the couch and watch the movie "Elf".  I also really loved getting the opportunity to help decorate Highlands for the Christmas season as it gave me some much needed life this week.  I'm also grateful for the Pastors at Left Hand tonight (Saturday) who made me feel very loved.  There are also two friends I want to give a mention of who were there for me when I needed it the most last week.  Thank you!

I love and am so grateful for each and every one of you.


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