
Showing posts from November, 2019

A Year of Thankfulness

Recently it was Thanksgiving and I had the idea of making a post where I write out everything I'm grateful for from this past year, especially with all the life I have experienced.  It's a shorter post and that's okay.  So here goes! A short list of what I'm grateful for: A bed to sleep in A roof over my head My most basic needs being met New friends and old friends Highlands Church North Denver Left Hand Church Those who have been there when I've needed them Being able to have a car All the adverse/different experiences I've had this year Being seen and heard My therapist The time I will have with my family for Christmas People who love on me and who love me The ability to get around via my own two feet Good conversations Coffee/food with people I love and care about For the opportunities that come my way to learn and discover more about myself For all the things! I'm grateful for all of my experiences this past year because it has