
Showing posts from September, 2019

My Life as a Former Bus Rider

I want to write about my experience on the buses and light rail.  It feels important to tell my story so others may understand better and see the world in a different way.  It feels like important work. I should warn you there is quite a bit of bus details because my point is to share the fullest extent of what it was like for me being a bus rider.  It's okay if you don't understand or if you skip around.  If you have the time I'd recommend looking them up.  If not just know it was just as exhausting living it as it probably is reading it. My first summer in Denver was spent learning about Denver, its culture, certain landmarks, how to ride public transportation, checking out different churches, and about the homeless population.  It was a lot to take in initially.  Denver is very different from small town Iowa. I remember the very first time I rode on a bus here, and I was terrified of getting off on the wrong stop, getting on it on the wrong side of the street, of t

Buses, Empathy, Privilege, and Being Human

So yesterday I got my first car, and I have a lot of feelings about it. It's super amazing to finally have a car after never having one before.  If I were to attempt to describe my feelings around having one I would say it feels as though I'm dreaming, and as though any moment I'm going to wake up and revert back to where I was before.  It feels super surreal.  It feels like I'm cheating.  It feels super freeing.  I feel so much less stressed than I have been.  My brain is still in public transportation mode and I have a hunch it's going to be that way for quite some time still, which is totally okay with me.  I'm excited to have chunks of time back that were previously spent waiting for and riding the buses.  I'm excited to be in control of my own time table and not be so worried about if and when buses are running late.  I'm stoked to have a car! That being said- Privilege is something that's weighing particularly heavy on me right now. I don