
Showing posts from July, 2019

The Faith Journey of a Questioner

Recently I've been reading Rachel Held Evans' book Searching for Sunday  and it's reminded me of my own faith journey. As I was reading it this morning I remembered my teenage years when I would question everything and constantly ask "why?" and "what if?" and "but what about...?" much to the annoyance of my parents.  I would always ask questions, especially if something didn't sit quite right with me.  There was a point, when I was in middle school, when I started to really notice the flaws in the church I was part of.  I would wonder why certain youth programs were ending, why my favorite pastor had to leave, and why we didn't do something about the people who needed God's love the most.  Nobody gave me an answer, at least not a straight answer.  It struck me as odd that not everyone was welcome when the church preached otherwise. I remember going to bible camp for the first time in 7th grade and looking around wondering why al

Nevertheless, She Persisted

"O God, help me to believe the truth about myself, no matter how beautiful it is." ~From the back of a seat at Highlands Church North Denver~ "When life gives you lemons, make lemonade."  And then bear witness to an awesome double rainbow. The other day for the 4th of July I was sitting alone in my bedroom wondering if I was going to be spending another holiday by myself, when I decided to put a post up on Facebook asking if anyone would like to "adopt" me for the day.  For several hours I felt a little disheartened after posting it because thus far I wasn't able to get to any of the invitations to come and be with people.  Being a bus rider can royally suck sometimes.  I was, however, super appreciative of those who did reply, because even though they were farther away than I would have like, I still felt loved.  Then, at the moment I was about to give up, I was messaged by someone to come and join them in south Denver.  I got really excite