
Showing posts from May, 2019

When the Universe Conspires

There are some days where you have to wonder if somebody is indeed looking out for you.  Sometimes the universe DOES conspire in your favor. Take today for example.  I forgot to grab my May bus pass and had a moment of "oh s***" as I saw the bus coming this morning.  Much to my embarrassment I had to board without my new bus pass and awkwardly tell the bus driver I forgot it.  He was kind enough to let me on.  When getting on the light rail half an hour later I prayed that no one was going to board and check if I had a valid pass.  Thankfully I made it to work without that happening.  Oh yeah, and since I just moved yesterday there was the added adventure of learning a brand new route to work today too!  So there was some additional stress of not quite knowing for sure how long it would take me and what time I would reach my destination. At work today we had our Paraprofessional evaluations and boy, was I an anxious wreck about having mine.  I knew that it was likely n