
Showing posts from April, 2019

The Washing of Feet and Yellow Daffodils

Today was Maundy Thursday.  It means different things to different people.  To me, it means preparation for what's to come, and also a living into vulnerability and relationship with others. Tonight at Highlands we celebrated Maundy Thursday with the washing of feet.  This action is often considered to be fairly vulnerable. The person doing the washing of feet could be likened to Jesus, like when he washed his disciples feet. There's something to be said in letting another person wash your feet, especially if you, like me, are on them much of the day.  Your feet could be dirty, smelly, and sore.  They could be tender or calloused.  They could be tired or energetic.  Washing feet is like a renewal- it washes off all the dirt and grime and messiness of the day.  It signifies a fresh start.  I think letting others wash our feet and in turn washing theirs helps us to be more like Jesus.  In doing this for one another none of us is greater than the other, for we are all equa