Touched by God in a Dream

I don't usually write about dreams I have.  The one I had last night was so vivid and so much like something out of The Shack that I wanted to share it with you all.

Here it is as written in my journal:

I had a really bizarre set of dreams last night.  The first one had to do with a job of some sort, which had to do with a house that was being built, a garden, and something else I can't quite remember.  I remember I was with a group of people who I was in charge of.  Were we close friends?  I don't know.  We were all going on this adventure carrying things in our arms.  I'm not sure what the things were that we were carrying.  Maybe we were working on a project?  Or maybe we were going on a journey and that was a stop along the way.

At some point this dream shifted to me sort of waking up/becoming conscious in a kitchen and dining room of sorts with many photos, drawings, and other memorabilia.  Someone was cooking.  I wandered around for a while- I don't know for how long because time wasn't relevant- unsure of what I was doing there in that massive kitchen and dining room, looking at all the pictures and artwork on the walls.  It felt like I had arrived home too early.  It was a sensing knowing that I knew without even needing to think it, because it was a feeling; an intuition.  I remember being really confused because in some weird way I remembered many of the pictures and drawings that were everywhere.  As I was looking at one of them someone came walking by where I was standing and gently said, "You aren't yet supposed to be here.  It isn't time for you yet."  The voice was both masculine and feminine but also neither at the same time.  It was, however, filled with love, gentleness, and kindness.  My dream again shifted and I left that place of peace.  I think I may have dreamed of it before.

When I was next aware in my dream, I found myself walking back into that kitchen and dining room, this time with a group of other people.  I do not know how many.  I remember being really confused because my dream-self thought I had died but the next moment I was there.  This time walking in, along with a group of people, we were immediately greeted by someone. In the kitchen area, two more people were working.  Again, you couldn't tell male or female but the energy off of the one who met us was more feminine.  Anyway, they said, "Welcome.  You're just in time for breakfast."  As I was going over to sit down I looked over at a drawing/picture on the wall near a doorway and above a small wooden table..  It looked like something my dad had made and put together.  I asked the person who greeted us, "What's that?  I feel like I've seen it before."  "You have," they said, "when you visited here before.  You have been here several times."  I was confused so I said, "Here?  But how?  Am I dead?"  They replied with, "Yes and no.  In this dream you are dead, which is why this is possible.  In the waking world you are still alive."  My dead dream-self, in a confused, amazed, and awed stupor, then went to sit down and eat with the others.

I remember there being bacon but before I could really start to eat anything I was all of a sudden magically outside next to a shed of sorts.  I felt almost like I was floating except I was touching the ground at the same time.  I don't remember all of what was said by the more giving-off-of-masculine-energy person but I do remember them saying we had a task to do.  Almost as if in the span of a snapping of fingers we were in some sort of building/place on the 6th floor.  It was a floor that seemed like a place for judgement- kind of like in a courtroom- but not a "send you to hell" kind.  It felt like I wasn't supposed to be there, but who I was with was and they felt right at home.  I got the feeling tat those passing by couldn't see me unless the other person wished it but I also felt that I could get into a lot of trouble for being there.  I don't think it was my time yet.

Who I was with wanted me to watch something in particular, and before I could really wonder what it was three children appeared- just appeared- in the hallway with three guards, except that they weren't really guards and they were friendly yet stern.  I asked, in a whisper, "What did they do to get here?  Why are they guilty?  They look innocent and scared!  Why put them through this when what they look like they need is love?" And "he" looked at me with compassionate eyes and said, "You love them, don't you?  Even though you don't know them."  And I nodded and responded with, "They remind me of the children I work with who I love dearly but may have to soon leave."  I felt sad.  "He" then reassured me they would be well taken care of, and I knew "he" meant both the three in the hallway and my "kids" in the waking world.  Then, facing me "he" said, "It's time to go," in a gentle and loving voice, and with the most compassionate eyes looking at me, touched my shoulder and I woke up.

Clearly my dreams are some weird and bizarre things.  This particular one felt real, like it could have been a thing that happened.  After what I experienced a month ago, it's definitely possible.  I'll have to write about it some other time.  And I think, instead of saying my thoughts on what I think my dream means, I'll instead leave you to interpret it how you will.


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