
Showing posts from September, 2018

Touched by God in a Dream

I don't usually write about dreams I have.  The one I had last night was so vivid and so much like something out of The Shack  that I wanted to share it with you all. Here it is as written in my journal: I had a really bizarre set of dreams last night.  The first one had to do with a job of some sort, which had to do with a house that was being built, a garden, and something else I can't quite remember.  I remember I was with a group of people who I was in charge of.  Were we close friends?  I don't know.  We were all going on this adventure carrying things in our arms.  I'm not sure what the things were that we were carrying.  Maybe we were working on a project?  Or maybe we were going on a journey and that was a stop along the way. At some point this dream shifted to me sort of waking up/becoming conscious in a kitchen and dining room of sorts with many photos, drawings, and other memorabilia.  Someone was cooking.  I wandered around for a while- I don't kn