We all have a voice

I can't do it.  I can't be quiet and sit and watch from the sidelines when I have a voice.  I'm not going to ignore the feelings I have about what's happening in our country just to please those who I might offend.  I want to do what I can with what has been given to me to stand up for those who are not able to and for those who are unwilling to.

When did the lives of real, breathing, living humans become about political power?  When did we stop caring for our neighbor?  When did being right become better than loving?  When did religion and religiousness and following the Bible to a "T" become better than seeing each other as God sees us- as humans who ALL deserve love?  When did we forget that our neighbor is not only those who we agree with and who live next to us but also everyone we come across no matter their place of origin, sexuality, or religion?

When will we see that we aren't that different from one another?

We are hypocrites if we follow God but do not love.  We are called to love, not hate.

There are still too many children who are separated from their parents.  They will never be the same again due to this trauma.  There are still too many immigrants who need communities, places to live, and people to love them.  There are still too many LGBTQ people who are shunned because of who they are.  The divide between men and women, and between all races is still too great.  It's why we have rallies like the one this past weekend.  Families belong together.

I can't help but be reminded of J.K. Rowling's Harry Potter series.  It's interesting how many parallels we can find in books such as Harry Potter to our current situation.  In Goblet of Fire, when Dumbledore addresses the students following the death of Cedric Diggory and the rebirth of Voldemort, he says this: "Dark times lie ahead of us and there will be a time when we must all choose between what is right and what is easy."  For us, now is that time.  Will we be complicit to what is happening by our silence or will we speak up for what we know to be true?


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