
Showing posts from March, 2017

It's Okay To Not Be Okay

After a month of not writing, I'm breaking my silence. I wish I could say everything that I'd like to, but I'm not yet able to for personal reasons.  Eventually I'd like to be able to tell you all but today is not that day.  Not yet.  I'm on a path of self-discovery and for now that's all that needs to be said about it. There's been a lot that's been on my mind in recent times- quite a bit pertaining to myself.  The sermon this morning put into words something I've been thinking for a while but haven't actually been brave enough to say until recently- It's okay to not be okay.  Let me say it again:   It's okay to not be okay .  I think that's something our culture has drilled into us and lately it's been driving me crazy that we can't be honest with each other and just come out and say if we're struggling and that we're not doing okay.  It's all right to feel this way and it is definitely not shameful to admit