
Showing posts from October, 2016

Find Your Light

Tonight found me looking back at old blogs and blog posts I've written over the last several years which was sort of a journey for me.  I wasn't sure what I'd feel looking back at them and to be honest, I was kind of scared to look at them.  That fear came from not really wanting to see how depressed and lonely I was in the last few years but curiosity drew me on.  And you know what I found?  I found that though I was those things I feared reading about there was also abundant hope and joy to be found as well.  In every single blog post I have written thus far, I've noticed there is always me talking about God and his goodness even if I wasn't feeling it on that particular day.  It seems to me upon looking back that I've always had a strong faith in God which has grown into trusting him too.  It's almost like reading the words of a Warrior of Faith who though she has troubles, trials, and tribulations she is always looking to the One above.  I found it inter