
Showing posts from October, 2021

My Experience Working Retail During a Pandemic

Before I dive into it, here's a meme to appreciate!  I cannot count how many times I was asked this while in full uniform.  Also, I did not work for the place in the picture.  Working in retail as an essential worker during a pandemic is a really wild time.  I can only speak for the place my coworkers and I were at since it may not be exactly the same everywhere- though I have a feeling it's extremely similar to what we and I have experienced. Back towards the beginning of the pandemic, to April of 2020, I remember wanting to go back to working at my job early from LOA because I had been stuck at home for a month and a half without being able to do much of anything, much like the rest of the world.  I was working in an elementary school at the time and also with their after school program but they didn't have much for me at the time I asked to go back so I started back at my retail job in mid April.  I also was finally in a stable place to quit my school job and after schoo