
Showing posts from October, 2019

Summer of Surrender

"...running with perseverance the race that is set before us..." ~Hebrews 12:1-3~ How do I begin to put into words what I experienced this summer? This is something I have been struggling to put into words for quite some time now.  Apparently inspiration to finally start putting words to it happens at 2:19am when most sane people are sleeping. I won't lie- this has not been an easy year for me.  I think it may be one of the hardest years thus far in my young adult life.  One was when my parents went back and forth from Chicago every other week for my dad's cancer treatments, and the other was the year my dad left this world.  The way my 2019 started sort of set the stage for how my summer went, at least in the way it affected my mental health during the summer months.  It's very difficult to go back down memory lane because the memories still feel painful albeit less raw than they were.  I'm currently in the messy healing process and I've got s