
Showing posts from June, 2019

A Tribute to Dad

Father's Day was this past Sunday, the day of the year where we all celebrate our dad's. For many of us it's a celebratory day in which we get to spend time with our dad's and remember all that they have done for us.  It's a happy time.  But for others of us it is a day that is hard, and carries other not so great memories with it.  Many have lost their dads in various ways.  For me I lost mine when he died from cancer 6 years ago. Has it really already been 6 years since he passed away?  Dang.  I miss my dad.  I wish he could see all of the wonderful growth that has happened in my life since that June of 2013.  I wish I could hear him tell me that he's proud of me.  I wish I could again bear witness to his mischievous smile as he rubs his hands together in a mutually conspiratorial way.  I wish I could again race him to the finish line on those racing games he loved to play.  I wish I could observe him in his workshop and in the garage as he works on anothe

Superheros and Spirit Flames

Lately I've been thinking about courage, vulnerability, and love.  This weekend there was a beautiful example of this and it was one of the best moments of the entire weekend.  It was truly amazing after a wonderful sermon pertaining to the third arrival of love.  In short, WE are the third arrival of love!  Interestingly enough it fit in really well with Sunday's sermon, as it too referenced the Holy Spirit. If I could, I would be like Mary sitting at the feet of Jesus, though for this day and age it would be the pastors.  I love what they have to say each week, and it's like I'm parched for water- what they give is metaphorically water for the soul.  Kind of like that living water mentioned by Jesus.  It's a sad moment when sermons end because I want to keep sitting there, taking everything in, and listening.  In those moments I feel connected to the spirit and can feel the love permeating the air.  I am surrounded by people I love and who love me.  It's