
Showing posts from June, 2016

I See... Love?

Sitting here on the couch, I was about to head to bed for another crazy day of my SOS, when I had the sudden urge to write.  Right now.  Even though I'm tired.  I feel that I must finally have my say on the thoughts currently swirling around in my head, though please keep in mind these are just my opinions and that I'm not trying to attack anyone. I first felt the need to write while reading a book this evening.  In it there were characters who were being portrayed as the bad guys of the story.  Can you guess where they came from?  Yep, they were from the Middle East and of the Islamic religion.  It really broke my heart that their people were being portrayed in that way, as the bad guys, when in reality they are really nice and good people.  I was in a class for a while this last semester on Islam and so I learned a fair amount to be knowledgeable about this subject, as well as last summer's study abroad trip with the Northwestern College theatre department to Israel/Pal